tag Mom and Traveling: The Sensation of Wine

The Sensation of Wine

Enjoying wine, for some, may be an activity that is absurd. The absurdity is strengthened by the fact how difficult it is to distinguish the taste of various wines in all its complexity. Express the taste of one type of wine is not easy. Unlike other alcoholic drinks taste the same in every tongue, the wine brings a different taste experience.

Because of that, not necessarily one type of wine that feels delicious on the tongue will taste just as good a person as enjoyed by others. However, he added, enjoying wine is not that difficult to understand the complexity of the present it. Speaking of wine in the end did not talk about the tastes of each tongue.

If you buff a sour taste, you can enjoy a variety of wines made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes, which are known with a high acidity level. If you want a slightly spicy flavor, choose a wine from Shiraz grape varieties. In other words, first identify your tastes and characteristics of wine varieties of grapes before choosing which one to try.

Many say that drinking wine is very confusing. It was all back on taste. Once you like what you drink, it is also true when you enjoy the wine.

a. Complementary Culinary Tradition
As a complement Culinary Tradition, enjoying wine is not actually originated from mainland Europe, such as assuming a lot of people. According to the findings of archeologists, the tradition actually began in the Middle East region, Predicted as a pioneer of the Egyptians drank wine emergence habit during three thousand years BC.

But the development of this beverage was more popular in Europe. Popularity was greatly influenced by the presence of the Romans in the European expansion that began in 55 BC. At that time, wine is part of the roman army rations.

Wine, with alcohol content of about 5 to 14.5%, when it was also regarded as a natural disinfectant, because of that, the soldiers are often mixed with wine to drink river water, Moreover, wine is often a part of any religious rites of the Christian communities of Europe, such as mass and holy communion.

But the assumption that says that Europe, especially France, is home to the best wines in the world is growing rapidly because of the tradition there, the presumption that arises because people see that Europe has many wineries. Whereas there was a vine planted in various locations to supply the needs of the army and the church.

There is no the best wines in the world. There are only high-quality wines. The Paramater not be seen from the location of origin of the wine estates, but the complexity of processing and the resulting taste these wines. Because of that, enjoy the super-premium quality wines have the sensation that was almost the same as when we enjoy a work of art.

Quality wines must be made by way of a complex and produces a variety of sense for the audience. In addition, this wine also has the potential age, so it can be stored for a long time.

b. In harmony with food
Different era, different certainly also enjoy the tradition of his wines. Today, the wine tasteless complete when presented without food. But there are specific things that must be followed if a person wants to reconcile wine with a meal.

"Food can kill the wine and wine cans kill the food," this is the mean that how to blend wines and foods that are not aligned will make wine and dining experience one becomes not enjoyable. Therefore, every consumer who wants to enjoy wine should be given recommendations which are appropriate for the food."
It is recommended that consumers follow the color coding to align the grip of wine with the meal, "Pair of red meat with red wine and white meat with white wine. But if the food uses of red wine sauce while the meat is white, still follow the color coding sauce.

c. Varian wine
Simply put, the wine was divided into four types, namely white wine, red wine, rose wine, and sparkling wines. As the name suggests, white wine made from white wine, usually served cold. Red wines made from red grapes and presented in accordance ordinary room temperature.
Rose wine from red grapes that are not perfectly extracted. While sparkling wine is white wine that has bubbles of soda. Sparkling wine is the champagne of the most famous city of Champagne, France.

Frederic Maurin, one representative of French wine producers, Socav, when found in the French Exhibition in 2010 at Le Tour Asean Meredien Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday (14 / 3), offers his red wine was recommended as one of the best wines the world's best Sommelier Jean-Luc Pouteau, Chateau Les Joyeuses 2007.

Wine is made from a combination of wine from the varieties Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon are harvested in 2007 and can be stored up to six years in the future. Play your glass to smell the wine out and you will find the smell of black currant and blackberry.

Les Joyeuses, said Frederic, it presents a rich fruit flavor but soft on the tongue, Taste and smell of alcohol too soft. Wine, he added, perfect served with food such as pasta or meat based cuisine chicken and beef.

d. Local Wine
Decanter alone provides about 187 types of wines from different wineries around the world, like Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Italy, the United States, and Bali. The price varies, starting from 20 Euros up to Euro 1500.

One of the wines are available at the wine house as the decor is reminiscent of the character briefly greenhouse - there are about 750 potted plants living in it - this is Hatten Alexandria. White wine made from grapes grown and manufactured in Belgium in Bali.

The first time you tasted, you'll feel the sensation of a fairly thick fruity and floral aroma in this wine. Levels of sweetness and balanced acidity and aroma or taste of alcohol is not so oppressive. Wine is quite popular overseas. In addition to the relatively cheaper price, about US$.30, it is not less the wines-wines of Europe.

For consumers who like wine rich in fruit-flavored, white wine from Kim Crawfort could be an option. This wine has a sour taste because of the dominant varieties of wine made from sauvignon blanc grown in the area of Marlborough, New Zealand.

e. Wine cocktail
Adventure with a taste of wine, tasteless sweet when it is not a cocktail wine tasting variants, this variant is a mixture of wine with some other alcoholic beverages, including liquor and spirits such as vodka, Midori, and Southern Comfort.

One of the lounge that offers cocktails wine menu is Brewhouse Jakarta. This place provides an alternative four flavors, including melon kiwi sangria, white wine mixed with Midori, kiwi syrup, lime, and watermelon, and chardonnay martini, white wine mixed with vodka, cranberry juice, and cream de cassis.

But Wine is a favorite cocktail the visitors Brewhouse is Bed Roses, red wine mixed with fruit or strawberry syrup and soda, and Peach Blanc, white wine mixed with Southern Comfort, peach juice, and soda.

Bed of Roses usually liked by female consumers. Taste and smell of alcohol in wine cocktail is indeed quite soft. When tasting, you will find the taste of strawberry is more dominant than red wine its flavor, while Peach Blanc has a flavor and aroma of white wine more powerful, the combination of wine, soda, and fruit juice peach in this refreshing beverage.
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