tag Mom and Traveling: Take a Vacation Leave

Take a Vacation Leave

You are already married once worked, would agree: 24 hours a day is never enough! Household chores that seemed never-ending, plus a workload that can’t be taken lightly, any holiday weekend, though slip by, not able to slightly cool the mind and replenish 'battery' spirit.

Want to recharge 'spirit? The following three tips you can try:
1. Plan a vacation Think again, when was the last time you and your family enjoy the holidays?
When you are in a number months, even years never vacation, now is the time you take a short break. Plan carefully, so that maximum results. Plan a vacation of four to five days. Make sure, that's when you really relax, free from all kinds of office work or household chores. If not possible, simply take a two-day weekend, with notes, completely remove yourself from all the load. Enjoy the time to pamper yourself, turn off the phone, do not open the email.

2. Counting again Feeling very tired with the double burden as well as career women, housewives, and plans to stop working?
Think about it, do not rush a decision. As a simulation, try wearing only her husband to meet the entire payroll needs of families for a month. See, if you and your family survive?

3. Negotiation Not easy to do, find a job that 'friendly' against homemakers.
Many companies just want to beat one's brains employees as human beings regardless of their needs - in this case, you as housewives. Still, try to negotiate with the boss or HR manager to get various kinds of flexibility. All you need to pay attention, tell him clearly what you mean, your needs, also emphasize your ability to complete all tasks without any unaffected flexibility you have requested.
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