tag Mom and Traveling: Prevent Jetlag

Prevent Jetlag

Traveling out of town by bus or train, maybe just make you tired. But, traveling by plane across the region with a different time can disrupt your eating and sleeping patterns; symptoms commonly called jet lag.

Jetlag is a psychological condition caused by differences in time from the point of departure to destination, so our bodies are forced to adjust. Some people call Jetlag with circadian rhythms.

Signs of someone experiencing jet lag are nausea, difficulty sleeping, not feeling well, emotionally unstable. Not infrequently, this is an issue that quite disturbing activities. Experts say, the risk is smaller jet lag on a trip from east to west than from west to east. To minimize jet lag, you can do the following:

1. Make sure you get enough sleep the night before his departure.

2. During the flight, avoid taking sleeping pills, alcohol and caffeine. Drink water or juice as much as possible to avoid dehydration, because the air in planes is very dry.

3. Try moving the body with a walk around the aircraft cabin to avoid the leg became swollen due to less smooth circulation of blood to the legs due to sitting too long.

4. Arriving at their destination, you should immediately adjust your biological clock, such as eating and sleeping hour local time. This will help the body adapt to the changing times.

5. Let your body in the sun after arriving at the destination or to let sunlight into the room. The sun's rays will provide a stimulus to cells of the body to adapt to new environments. With this body clock will be faster to adapt local time.

6. When the schedule at their destination pretty solid, try to get there tired early, so that the body has enough time to adjust.

7. Try to keep fitness with exercise, to maintain body condition remained excellent.
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