tag Mom and Traveling: Water Rides may Stimulating Intelligence

Water Rides may Stimulating Intelligence

Playing while learning can be done when you take your child trips to the water park. Children can feel the experience of water play fun at the same time obtain knowledge. Thus, the benefits like the old saying, once a dive two or three islands exceeded.

According to a consultant child psychologist Tika Bisono, the child will gain many benefits when traveling to a water park. Water medium can help children learn about the natural substance, namely water. If children are not familiar with outdoor activities and just playing in the room and not sweating, it will hamper the process of intelligence.

Outdoor activities such as swimming can train motor intelligence, the Kinesthetic the muscles and joints of children to be strong and sturdy legs child, tall and healthy body, and not fragile. Children are often sick means kinesthetic bad intelligence and his condition is not good.

There are three benefits derived when children are playing in the water rides. The first benefit, stimulate creativity children because the water is full of alternative activities such as swimming and playing water.

The second benefit stimulates the intellect of children about understanding water as a liquid that looks can be changed. Another benefit is to train the physical intelligence of children by moving all parts of the body such as moving the body, hands, feet, and respiratory function.

Factors such as psychological, the body healthy and fit child makes the child more confidence to try new things, not afraid, and did not hesitate. Children will look relaxed in the face of any activity, grew the courage, and learn to measure the ability of self. Measure their own ability and not from other people, then this is very important so that they can catch up on what not to be assertive.

A. Outbound Games

Now a lot of water park rides that are not only present the water, but also out-bound game. Dexterity game in the wild child was a high outbound rope, burma bridge, and flying fox. The objectives of the facility are to train agility and intelligence.

Outbound can train children to be agile and responsive to a problem and games are held in the wild. Children will also be creative and have the courage and confidence when following outbound activities.

When the activities your child will think how to put the right foot position so that the body does not fall. That's when children are trained motor function. When these activities are often carried out, would produce a strong child's body the natural situation has changed and children are not susceptible to disease.

Another activity was obtained at Water-boom not just outbound. They also have eco-friendly package to increase the knowledge of children love the environment since begin. Eco friendly package invites children to learn the source of recharge, anticipating flooding and knowledge about plants.

In addition, children will learn about oxygen, waste recycling, composting processes, as well as lamps with solar energy. In eco-friendly package, every child is taught to plant trees. Each child was also given fruit juice, and explained about the benefits of fruit juices such as guava, citrus and other fruits.
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