tag Mom and Traveling: Banc while Learning

Banc while Learning

The school holidays soon arrive. Moments like this are always awaited the children. Little would have been nice to sort through plans to travel to where the same father and mother.

Do enjoy the cool in the mountains to the beach, or playing water to the water park? Could be, go to the place-it was just boring. Every school holidays the children are always invited to brothels to places only to be recreative and pleasure.

It never hurts to bring your children to a place of recreation for playing games, because a pile of learning activities during a semester must have the child physically and mentally exhausting. Not infrequently because of the pressure load is too heavy, so a child falling stress.
Children are entitled to a refreshing that can make their hearts to be happy, but that does not mean a vacation should be filled with activities for pleasure only. Activities should be meaningful.

Followed by activities while vacationing studied at the local tourist attractions, basically too exciting, besides, if the holidays are just filled recreational activities, sometimes redundant, Section, the concept teaching children in different schools now, Today at school teaching and learning activities have to be interesting and varied (student-centered learning) that are no longer placing the teacher as a center of learning.

School holidays and recreation should be interpreted as the implementation of learning outcomes for a semester at school. Thus, the children gain a double advantage when filling the holidays, namely to play and gain knowledge not acquired in school.

Play while learning the true very exciting. Try it in the holidays, the English teacher, for example, invites children and parents to visit the city parks, zoo, even a walk with public transport, it would be nice.

In this way, parents and teachers can effectively introduce direct objects around using the English language. Would not this will be more festive? Parents also need to be creative in determining the major tourist attractions. Select a place of recreation that can stimulate the child to be able to add knowledge. For example go to museums, the zoo, botanical garden or the park smart.

If you want to picnic in the open, choose resorts that provide facilities and outbound arena, many positive things to be learned from the activities of that. In addition enriches the knowledge, courage outbound also can train the child.

In these activities, children are introduced to the natural environment, environmental hygiene, environmental preservation, and grateful for the grace of God.

Activity was also refreshing not necessarily identical with a lot of money. Inviting children jog, ride bicycles in city parks could also be fun.

In addition, the activity was certainly healthy and teaches children to love fitness activities. For parents, meaning vacation by adding an educational element should be taken into consideration. Section, by choosing the right holiday, insight and knowledge of children was increasing.
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