tag Mom and Traveling: Juni 2009

Places of Interest Holidays in U.S. Children Together

United States is one tourist destination. In the land of Uncle Sam have a wide range of tours, including a comfortable place to visit with children. If you're planning a vacation to this country, do not miss a few places worth a visit along with the child.

1. Ellis Island Museum, New York City
Ellis Island Museum is located in New York. This location is the entrance of about 12 million immigrants who use the passenger ship between the years 1892 and 1954. Immigrants who enter the United States through New York harbor, legally and medically inspected at Ellis Island. Ellis Island in the years 1990 renovated and converted into a museum that is dedicated to providing knowledge to the visitors about the immigrant experience.

Approximately 40 percent of Americans are descended from someone who immigrated through this station. To watch a little American history, there is a good idea to invite your child to visit this museum. Entering the museum is no charge but you must pay for ferry tickets. Adults are charged U.S. $ 12 and children aged 4-12 years U.S. $ 5.00

2. Ground Zero, New York City
Hole in lower Manhattan, was the land of the 'sacred'. The term ground zero could be used to describe the World Trade Center site in New York who is devastated by the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The term ground zero was adopted from the mass media in North America. Here you can ask the children to see the terrible humanitarian tragedy in the early 20th century to see the exhibition of the firefighters' helmets that have been destroyed or other objects are left. To enter this web site, an adult ticket is subject to U.S. $ 10 and children under 12 years free entrance fee.

3. Lincoln memorial, Washington, D.C
Monuments like the Washington Monument, a monument to World War II, and Vietnam war veteran monuments dominate the city skyline. However, tall marble statue of 19-feet (5.8 meters) from the president of the United States to-16, Abraham Lincoln is the place you must visit the first time with the kids. This is because Abraham Lincoln was famous for his struggle to preserve the American nation during the civil war years from 1861 to 1865.

Lincoln memorial has become a place of famous speeches and other events since dedicated in the year 1922. This shrine is on the National Mall, Washington DC the place is open 24 hours a day does not charge to its visitors, but if you and the kids wanted to come here it must first obtain a permit.

4. Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia
Museum open area of 301 hectares, this is a historic district of the city's independent Williamsburg, Virginia that the buildings stood since the year 1699 to 1780. During the 18th century, Williamsburg became the seat of government, education and culture of the colony of Virginia. Historic area is then restored, reconstructed, and equipped with historical buildings, and costumed guides who tell stories of the men and women of 18th-century city.

In this place you can teach children about history and even before electricity was discovered with a view of buildings and public life the past century. Adults are charged U.S. $ 35 and children aged 6-17 years U.S. $ 18.

5. USS Arizona memorial, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii
In Pearl Harbour, Honolulu, Hawaii you could ask the children to visit the memorial of the USS Arizona which sank after a Japanese air force attacks in 1941. On this ship there are 1177 sailors were killed in the attack. The USS Arizona was six feet below the water as a lasting monument to veterans of World War II.

A memoriam from the sunken warship that ran and was inaugurated in 1962 are open daily from 7:30 to 17:00 pm local time. Tours begin every 15 minutes starting at 8:00 to 15:00 local time and the tour program are not charged.

6. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
The gorge was created during the six-million-year Colorado River. Ranging from 4-18 miles wide and reaches depths of 6,000 feet. This shows the geology of the canyon almost two billion years Earth's history while exposing the rock layers lifted the Colorado plateau.

This area was granted federal protection in 1893 as a forest reserve and then became a National Monument, and in 1919 became a national park. Here you and the kids can see how nature carved out grace on earth. If you carry private cars are charged U.S. $ 25, whereas if you use a motorcycle, walking, cycling or instead of other commercial groups charge of U.S. $ 12 per person.

7. National Museum of Civil Rights, Memphis
In Memphis you with the kids can see the motel where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered. The museum is noted African-American struggle from slavery to Rosa Parks and so on. Entrance to this museum for adults is U.S. $ 12 and the children of U.S. $ 8.50.

8. Redwood National Park, Calif
Everyone will feel humiliated when in the shadow of trees as tall as 300-feet (about 91 meters) above the age of 1000 years. You and the kids get in for free and be among one of the tallest trees on earth.

9. Niagara Falls, New York
Be sure to bring children to visit the most powerful waterfall in North America. More than 168 000 cubic meters of water falling on the top line every minute in high flow, and almost 110 000 cubic meters of the average make Niagara became the most powerful waterfall in North America. To see this natural beauty is no charge.

10. Independence Hall, Philadelphia
This is where George Washington was appointed commander of the Continental Army, the signing of the declaration of independence, and the founding fathers truly laid the foundations of the nation in the United States Constitution. Independence Hall was constructed between the years 1732 to 1756. The starting point of the constitution of the United States can you see with the kids here.

11. Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida
For more than 35 years, this destination resort is not just unusual but the park has brought magic to the kids and as they get older. With so many rides that you can enjoy with the children in an area of 25,000 hectares of land is, vacation time be even more fun. Entrance for children ages 3-9 years of U.S. $ 63 and for age 10 years and over U.S. $ 75 a ticket bears.

Water Rides may Stimulating Intelligence

Playing while learning can be done when you take your child trips to the water park. Children can feel the experience of water play fun at the same time obtain knowledge. Thus, the benefits like the old saying, once a dive two or three islands exceeded.

According to a consultant child psychologist Tika Bisono, the child will gain many benefits when traveling to a water park. Water medium can help children learn about the natural substance, namely water. If children are not familiar with outdoor activities and just playing in the room and not sweating, it will hamper the process of intelligence.

Outdoor activities such as swimming can train motor intelligence, the Kinesthetic the muscles and joints of children to be strong and sturdy legs child, tall and healthy body, and not fragile. Children are often sick means kinesthetic bad intelligence and his condition is not good.

There are three benefits derived when children are playing in the water rides. The first benefit, stimulate creativity children because the water is full of alternative activities such as swimming and playing water.

The second benefit stimulates the intellect of children about understanding water as a liquid that looks can be changed. Another benefit is to train the physical intelligence of children by moving all parts of the body such as moving the body, hands, feet, and respiratory function.

Factors such as psychological, the body healthy and fit child makes the child more confidence to try new things, not afraid, and did not hesitate. Children will look relaxed in the face of any activity, grew the courage, and learn to measure the ability of self. Measure their own ability and not from other people, then this is very important so that they can catch up on what not to be assertive.

A. Outbound Games

Now a lot of water park rides that are not only present the water, but also out-bound game. Dexterity game in the wild child was a high outbound rope, burma bridge, and flying fox. The objectives of the facility are to train agility and intelligence.

Outbound can train children to be agile and responsive to a problem and games are held in the wild. Children will also be creative and have the courage and confidence when following outbound activities.

When the activities your child will think how to put the right foot position so that the body does not fall. That's when children are trained motor function. When these activities are often carried out, would produce a strong child's body the natural situation has changed and children are not susceptible to disease.

Another activity was obtained at Water-boom not just outbound. They also have eco-friendly package to increase the knowledge of children love the environment since begin. Eco friendly package invites children to learn the source of recharge, anticipating flooding and knowledge about plants.

In addition, children will learn about oxygen, waste recycling, composting processes, as well as lamps with solar energy. In eco-friendly package, every child is taught to plant trees. Each child was also given fruit juice, and explained about the benefits of fruit juices such as guava, citrus and other fruits.

Watching European films in Singapore

If you liked the streets at once fond of watching movies, you certainly do not want to spend to spend European Union Film Festival (EUFF) which will be held 6 to 16 May 2010 in Singapore. Moreover, access to flights to the country this lion is very easy.

Because there is still enough time to book a ticket, you should plan your weekend to fly to countries bordering the Riau archipelagos and also reserving money 10 Singapore Dollars to buy tickets to watch at Golden Village VivoCity.

After the success of last year, the film festival participants come from EU countries, this, come back to bring the citizens of Singapore and also you on a visual odyssey of stunning European. These films offer a unique perspective into a rich and varied culture of the European Union through the silver screen.

One of the longest film festivals in Singapore is at the same time will celebrate its 20th birthday by displaying moving pictures of interest from European critical films that have been recognized and won numerous awards and nominations at prestigious festivals such as Sundance, Cannes, and even Oscar nominations.

This year, the EU is also continuing efforts to encourage the exchange of cinematic and cultural exchanges between Europe and Singapore. EUFF will be partnering with film schools and media Ngee Ann Polytechnic to showcase some of the best short films from students who have previously selected.

This will provide opportunities for young film makers to see their work on the big screen with the views that have been leading international director and offers you, citizens of Singapore and spectators from Europe to catch a glimpse of some bright young film talents in Singapore.

EUFF will feature 17 films that have been critically recognized and award winner of several European Union member states. These films will offer an intimate insight, unique perspective, reflecting a romantic panoramic view as well as the lives and cultures in Europe.

Major focus of this festival include the opening and gala premiere of the film: "Broken Embraces" (Spain) by the famous director Pedro Almodovar and starring Penelope Cruz's "The Father of My Children" (France) - winner of "Un Certain Regards" an award Cannes Film Festival special jury in 2009, "Unmade Beds" (UK) which was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize in the category of World Cinema l (Drama) at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009, and "The Secret of Kells" (Ireland) which was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2010.

With rows of films which have received adequate appreciation in Europe, this opportunity may be you should not miss. Now, you can begin to budget how much money you spend to watch some film.

Banc while Learning

The school holidays soon arrive. Moments like this are always awaited the children. Little would have been nice to sort through plans to travel to where the same father and mother.

Do enjoy the cool in the mountains to the beach, or playing water to the water park? Could be, go to the place-it was just boring. Every school holidays the children are always invited to brothels to places only to be recreative and pleasure.

It never hurts to bring your children to a place of recreation for playing games, because a pile of learning activities during a semester must have the child physically and mentally exhausting. Not infrequently because of the pressure load is too heavy, so a child falling stress.
Children are entitled to a refreshing that can make their hearts to be happy, but that does not mean a vacation should be filled with activities for pleasure only. Activities should be meaningful.

Followed by activities while vacationing studied at the local tourist attractions, basically too exciting, besides, if the holidays are just filled recreational activities, sometimes redundant, Section, the concept teaching children in different schools now, Today at school teaching and learning activities have to be interesting and varied (student-centered learning) that are no longer placing the teacher as a center of learning.

School holidays and recreation should be interpreted as the implementation of learning outcomes for a semester at school. Thus, the children gain a double advantage when filling the holidays, namely to play and gain knowledge not acquired in school.

Play while learning the true very exciting. Try it in the holidays, the English teacher, for example, invites children and parents to visit the city parks, zoo, even a walk with public transport, it would be nice.

In this way, parents and teachers can effectively introduce direct objects around using the English language. Would not this will be more festive? Parents also need to be creative in determining the major tourist attractions. Select a place of recreation that can stimulate the child to be able to add knowledge. For example go to museums, the zoo, botanical garden or the park smart.

If you want to picnic in the open, choose resorts that provide facilities and outbound arena, many positive things to be learned from the activities of that. In addition enriches the knowledge, courage outbound also can train the child.

In these activities, children are introduced to the natural environment, environmental hygiene, environmental preservation, and grateful for the grace of God.

Activity was also refreshing not necessarily identical with a lot of money. Inviting children jog, ride bicycles in city parks could also be fun.

In addition, the activity was certainly healthy and teaches children to love fitness activities. For parents, meaning vacation by adding an educational element should be taken into consideration. Section, by choosing the right holiday, insight and knowledge of children was increasing.

Sakura Flower Festival in Hirosaki

Flowers bloom is one of the most beautiful scenery on earth. The bright colors always turn on the atmosphere in various parts of the world. One of the most beautiful flower in the world can you see now is the Sakura blooming.

So, if you wish to see this flower bloom right come to Japan this month (April), because this flower can be seen in various corners of Japan. In Japanese culture, Sakura is an important symbol which is often associated with women, life, death and also a symbol for express ties between people, courage, sadness and joy.

Flower color also varies, depending on the species, there is a white with a bit of pink, yellow, pink, light green or light red. One of the places in Japan that you can visit to see the beauty of blooming cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park is Shimoshirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori. Hirosaki Palace which was built in 1611 holds a lot of Sakura flowers that will pamper your eyes.

This place is known as one of the best places to view cherry blossoms in Tohoku region. There are more than 2,600 cherry trees with 50 species in the region. This will create stunning scenery between the towering palace buildings. During the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival, like the cherry blossoms light up at night.

Sakura flower festival in Hirosaki Castle opened April 23 to May 5 from 7:00 to 21:00 pm local time. By providing money 300 yen or about 30,000, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the series Sakura tree in Hirosaki Park.

Flush Tradition Songkran Water Festival

If you want to spend the holidays in mid-April, try to look Thai. At that time, several cities in Thailand is a party to celebrate the Thai New Year festival and was greeted with a spray of water known as Songkran.

Songkran Festival is a day of national celebration to welcome the Thai New Year's Day which usually took place on 13 to 15 April. For the citizens of Thailand, Songkran is sacred. For that, on that day be the most appropriate time to purify themselves from sin.

Songkran opening ceremony was also held at Phra Chetupon Wimol Manklaram or Temple of the Reclining Buddha, Bangkok on April 10, 2010. To enliven, various cultural performances including a ritual bath demonstrated a statue of Buddha, to the exhibition of traditional Thai food.

The main attraction is the sprinkling Songkran water. Every person in Thailand to be willing to get a spray of water from other people to face and whole body soaked. Starting from the family, close friends until the elder person is entitled watered and watered the full.

In addition to the water flush each other attractions, there are also some people there who go to Wat (one of Thailand's Buddhist monastery) to pray and give food to the monks.

Not infrequently tourists wishing to see Songkran festival in every city in the country of Thailand. Some of the city is celebrating Songkran with the theme of the Old City of Ayutthaya Songkran Festival, Songkran Festival with Chon Buri, Suphan Buri with amazing Songkran, with Chiang Mai Songkran Festival, Phra Samut Prakarn with Pradaeng Songkran Festival, Songkran Festival Sukhothai with theme Phuket and Phuket Bike Week 2010.

Special, the people around the Rattanakosin islands, dubbed the Old Bangkok Songkran celebrations are usually prepared starting from December 10 to 15 April 2010.

Songkran Festival was first celebrated in 1888 and is usually the celebration of Songkran falls in the late dry season in Thailand. Since the incident, each date of the celebration of the festival, made a national holiday, as for other Asian countries to celebrate Songkran Festival, such as Myanmar, Laos and China.