tag Mom and Traveling: Traveling Comfortable with Child

Traveling Comfortable with Child

Travelling by planes with a baby is not easy. What often happens, the discomfort will be fussy baby during the trip. There are several things you should prepare before departure:

1. Prepare the best schedule
Your baby has a sleep schedule is uncertain. We recommend that you prepare your travel schedule accordingly. Daniel R. Bronfin, a pediatrician from the University of Medicine in New Orleans suggested to setting the time of your departure by plane or other public transportation according to the baby's bedtime. So that your child is fussy and annoying other passengers. There is also a good idea to provide information upon check-in so that you can get a comfortable seat for you also other passengers. So that you avoid other passengers protested.

2. Ear Pain
Pressure during landing and take-off on the plane will make your child's ear pain. You should feed the baby so that divert from the pain.

If not allowed to breastfeed, give a bottle or some toys that can be exploited to reduce the pain. The American pediatrician, Shaner suggested for quick suction feeding, or giving toys to your baby as cabin crew announced that it will take-off or landing. That will prevent blockages in the respiratory system.

For additional, do not forget to prepare all your baby needs ranging from skin care, diapers, clothes, favorite toys and favorite blanket to make him comfortable.
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