tag Mom and Traveling: Traveling Alone Tips

Traveling Alone Tips

In this modern era, the women make a traveling alone was not taboo. But if you want to do, of course there are things that must prepare for. Here are some tips you can follow.

1. Research, research, and research Everywhere you go, find out and get to know your destination well. Everywhere you'll travel, where the dangerous places, where a good hotel, the nearest bus stop and all that stuff.

This will make you more prepared now to the place or country of destination. You can easily find out through books, magazines, internet or friends and relatives who are already experienced.

2. Bring for cash Do not always think credit cards can save you in all circumstances. Sometimes there are some places and things that require you to pay with cash, Should prepare enough cash.

3. Bring your credit card to taste No need to carry all your credit card. Simply take one or two only. The goal is that your expenses under control. Do not go home until after the holidays, you may think of stress bloated credit card bills.

4. Photocopy of identity Always photocopy your identification when traveling. Save copies of it in containers other than your wallet. If traveling abroad is also a photocopy of passport you. This is to make it easier if bad things such as stolen wallets and theft occur when the middle of travel.

5. Stay connected Keep in touch with family at home. Wherever you go, make sure they knew. Leave a photocopy of your ticket also. If there is things that happened, they could easily track you.

6. Come travel insurance Not even one person who hopes that something bad happened on his journey. But travel insurance is important to anticipate the worst circumstances.

7. Dressy casual and inconspicuous When traveling alone, use comfortable and casual clothes that do not attract attention. Do not wear clothing that is too sexy because it would invite other people to tease. Wearing jewelry that is too obvious also not recommended. Do not make yourself a target of crime.

8. Do not be quick to believe the person Do not fast familiar fun with strangers. If you do not really need help, you should do everything ourselves. You never know what could strangers to you when I was alone.

9. Use a reliable public transport Use a reliable public transportation. If you decide to take a taxi, make sure that the taxi was actually from a trusted company.
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