tag Mom and Traveling: Februari 2009

Net Effective Promo Guest

Restaurants have an important role in promoting a hotel. Not surprisingly, the provision of special programs at the restaurant is often the sniper promotional strategies for the hotel.

One of the promotional program conducted the hotel business is carpet food festival. The hotel industry players agree that the carpet a food festival, an effective means to attract visitors. Moreover, various food promotions that are complete it to tend to be cheaper.

The existence of food festival promo is quite effective to increase the number of guests. Evident in the promo, the hotel guests will be increased amount 40% -50%. To increase was also due to visit Bandung is known as one of the culinary tourism destination.

Now, to satisfy the tastes guest, the hotel management is usually packed promotional menus of different foods ranging from local to international. With carpet inviting various tastes of food, the guests are expected to not have to go outside the hotel to find food. Mat various foods that are held once a month with different themes. They also have a mat promotion of food each week.

Different themes
Promo mat foods are also made very helpful to solicit the visitors, with food promotion held every month with different themes and are usually well adapted to large celebrations such as Eid, Ramadhan, Christmas, Idul Adha, Easter and others.

Part of Menu food served by four-star hotels to five star, most of the local food. The reason, most guests at the Hotel Stars four and five stars are foreign tourists who want to taste the local food. Hotel Management usually presents traditional dishes that give priority to local tastes.

Benefits of a food festival promo guest requests can be increased up to 55%. Increased traffic was no effect on the increased requests of hotel guests, because those who want to enjoy a variety of food promos that come to sample the various foods alone.

To attract visitors, they took out an interesting theme. For this year, it held a four-star hotel Parade Nusantara and always held a promo once a year. Every variety of menus that is processed by an experienced chef is served with buffet.

One of them is the Hard Rock Hotel, to promote his hotel, they usually hold a regular promotion in the form of a buffet meal or buffet. In view of Bali is a tourist destination abroad, promotion of different foods served even more international menu. For buffets usually they take a theme each week. There are Italian and Japanese cuisine menu.

In addition, there is also Hard Rock Original menu such as sausages and burgers and seafood barbeque at Starz Diner restaurant at dinner. Promotion of various foods that are intended to give a variation to the guests and knowledge will taste cuisine from various countries, including Indonesia. The existence of that campaign is expected to meet the wishes of the guests to try every kind of food.

Suitable Traveling Bags for Every Traveler

You are fond of traveling? Bag is one of the important items when wanting to travel. Other objectives, others also his traveling bag. Here are a few bags that may accompany your trip.

a. Bussiness Traveler
For those of you who travel for business purposes, a suitcase can accompany your journey. You just choose the size of suitcases that suit their needs. Your suitcase for a friend, a few bags below can be selected.

b. Luggage
Standard-sized luggage cabin, generally used for those who travel a maximum of two days only limited to one night, take it all like a handbag tote bag so you do not need to put a suitcase into the trunk of the aircraft.

c. Tote Bag
This medium size handbag is the most common type of bag used by women. The size is large enough, enough to put the various needs of women including makeup bags.

d. Briefcase Bag
If you must attend a seminar for one day out of town, just use the Briefcase bag. Bag type can accommodate documents and your laptop. Your journey has become increasingly practical.

e. Make up Bag
Never leave your makeup kit when traveling. You could put them in a special compartment in your suitcase. Makeup bag will allow you to store your complete makeup equipment. Makeup bag can be stored in your handbag or briefcase.

f. Clutch
Could have been on a journey, we had to come to a place or a fancy restaurant which 'forces' us to appear formal. Nothing wrong to keep a mainstay in the travel bag clutch bag you, In addition to concise and easy to carry, clutch bag can also be a place you store important documents such as passport or identity card.

For the backpackers, the thing that must be drawn is:
a. Back-pack
As a backpacker, of course, the bag is a kind of backpack. But you'd better adjust to the needs of a large backpack. Customize your luggage with your travel route and duration traveling. Do not carry anything less is needed because only add to your burden.

b. Sleeping Bag
Often motels are available in the backpacker does not fit your expectations. Bring own sleeping bag can help you get more maximum breaks.

How to make your child feel comfortable when in vehicles

Inviting little traveling by car was not so easy. Sometimes they become irritable because they feel less comfortable. There are special tips that can make them comfortable in a vehicle. Bringing baby to travel it requires a lot of preparation.

In order for your child not to fuss and make you upset at the way, these are some things that must be drawn, among them are:

a. Always prepare a special baby seat in your car. Not just for the sake of convenience, but also safety. Car seats for infants have been designed in such a way as to make your baby comfortable in the vehicle.

b. Note the cleanliness of the baby. We like to eat, you should change your baby with a special outfit. Finish eating, clean the back of the baby's body with a damp cloth or wet tissue. A clean body will make your baby comfortable.

c. Provide disposable diapers, clean warm water, and personal equipment your baby. It would be easier for you while changing diapers, or cleaning up feces when urinating or greater.

d. Bring your child's favorite toys so he feels comfortable and not bored. Occasionally, there's nothing wrong to stop at a resort that you and your child does not get bored.

e. If your baby can eat biscuits, or snacks, do not forget to provide it for them. It is recommended to provide healthy snacks and favorite baby. In order for your child's condition is not compromised.

Traveling Comfortable with Child

Travelling by planes with a baby is not easy. What often happens, the discomfort will be fussy baby during the trip. There are several things you should prepare before departure:

1. Prepare the best schedule
Your baby has a sleep schedule is uncertain. We recommend that you prepare your travel schedule accordingly. Daniel R. Bronfin, a pediatrician from the University of Medicine in New Orleans suggested to setting the time of your departure by plane or other public transportation according to the baby's bedtime. So that your child is fussy and annoying other passengers. There is also a good idea to provide information upon check-in so that you can get a comfortable seat for you also other passengers. So that you avoid other passengers protested.

2. Ear Pain
Pressure during landing and take-off on the plane will make your child's ear pain. You should feed the baby so that divert from the pain.

If not allowed to breastfeed, give a bottle or some toys that can be exploited to reduce the pain. The American pediatrician, Shaner suggested for quick suction feeding, or giving toys to your baby as cabin crew announced that it will take-off or landing. That will prevent blockages in the respiratory system.

For additional, do not forget to prepare all your baby needs ranging from skin care, diapers, clothes, favorite toys and favorite blanket to make him comfortable.

Flight without Problems for Pregnant Women

You are planning air travel while pregnant? In order for smooth and safe trip, there are some things you should consider. Before you book your tickets, discuss travel plans with your doctor. Make sure there are no problems in your pregnancy and get permission from your doctor.

Wear comfortable shoes. High heels certainly is not recommended as it will add to the burden that lifted your foot. Wear flats are easily loosened. Wear loose clothes and bring a warm coat to maintain body temperature.

Try to come early to the airport to check in at the time, you can choose a comfortable place. Here are some places comfortable in the plane:

a. Chair near the toilet. You do not need to go far to dispose of water.

b. Aisle seats w / road. By sitting in that position you do not have to coincide-crush to reach the seats.

c. Chair near the door of the emergency center. This chair normally has a fairly roomy space to stretch legs

Bring your own food during the trip. Make sure you bring food that has complete nutrition. Do not forget to bring fresh fruit or juice cans. However you should avoid fast food.

If your travel takes a long time, try to walk around every half hour, would be easier if you sit near the aisle. Every few minutes, lift both feet off the floor when seated and turn your ankle to the second direction. Then straighten your legs. This activity will help keep blood and fluid from the legs stretched.

Traveling Alone Tips

In this modern era, the women make a traveling alone was not taboo. But if you want to do, of course there are things that must prepare for. Here are some tips you can follow.

1. Research, research, and research Everywhere you go, find out and get to know your destination well. Everywhere you'll travel, where the dangerous places, where a good hotel, the nearest bus stop and all that stuff.

This will make you more prepared now to the place or country of destination. You can easily find out through books, magazines, internet or friends and relatives who are already experienced.

2. Bring for cash Do not always think credit cards can save you in all circumstances. Sometimes there are some places and things that require you to pay with cash, Should prepare enough cash.

3. Bring your credit card to taste No need to carry all your credit card. Simply take one or two only. The goal is that your expenses under control. Do not go home until after the holidays, you may think of stress bloated credit card bills.

4. Photocopy of identity Always photocopy your identification when traveling. Save copies of it in containers other than your wallet. If traveling abroad is also a photocopy of passport you. This is to make it easier if bad things such as stolen wallets and theft occur when the middle of travel.

5. Stay connected Keep in touch with family at home. Wherever you go, make sure they knew. Leave a photocopy of your ticket also. If there is things that happened, they could easily track you.

6. Come travel insurance Not even one person who hopes that something bad happened on his journey. But travel insurance is important to anticipate the worst circumstances.

7. Dressy casual and inconspicuous When traveling alone, use comfortable and casual clothes that do not attract attention. Do not wear clothing that is too sexy because it would invite other people to tease. Wearing jewelry that is too obvious also not recommended. Do not make yourself a target of crime.

8. Do not be quick to believe the person Do not fast familiar fun with strangers. If you do not really need help, you should do everything ourselves. You never know what could strangers to you when I was alone.

9. Use a reliable public transport Use a reliable public transportation. If you decide to take a taxi, make sure that the taxi was actually from a trusted company.