tag Mom and Traveling: The Attractions of Tomato War in Spain

The Attractions of Tomato War in Spain

Tomato fight for residents in the City of Bunol, Valencia, Spain is a tradition. Tomato throwing festival (La Tomatina) was first performed in 1945 and received world recognition in 1952.

This tomato throwing festival you can usually see every year in August. After an hour of battle is complete, one of this city as Valencia look like a flood of blood is very thick, but has knock-blood blood blood is not real but rather comes from the tomato pieces are thrown earlier.

For completeness of the festival, organizers have provided 150 thousand or even tens of tons of tomatoes tomatoes, performing arts (music, parades and dances) as well as fireworks a week before the event starts.

Meanwhile, on the night before the festival, the participants involved in women's paella cooking contest, so when tomato festival began, every man who wants to play is required to remove their shirts and the women were allowed to wear clothing that was slightly open.

As for other preparations, such as plastic wrappers in every shop in the street so easy to clean after the festival ended. That said, the cost spent to spend tens of thousands of tomatoes can reach 90 thousand pounds.
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