tag Mom and Traveling: Tips Mingle with the Locals

Tips Mingle with the Locals

Benefits to merge with the local culture can’t be underestimated. When mingling, you can get intimate with the local culture that may not be given to anyone outside so you stay safe while they are there. Here are some ways you can do to mingle with the locals when you are traveling:

1. Wearing casual clothes
When it comes to a new place, the clothes you wear is the first line of defense. Modest clothing is almost always a powerful way while traveling and want to mingle with the locals.

2. Bring clothes that you can wear anywhere
If you bring clothes that versatile, you'll have a better chance to be able to mingle in a different situation. Unfortunately, clothing specially designed for travel as cargo shorts for example, does not always conform to the way the locals dress like some countries in the Middle East for example.

3. Hide cameras and other tourist equipment
Taking photos of your trip is a natural thing and very exciting, but if you want to blend in, you may need to be more careful. By bringing a big camera hanging around his neck could attract the attention of thieves. You can bring a camera but must be kept secret little advance in the points where photographing is prohibited. The same is true for waist bag, handbooks, and the like. You can take him, but try to remain cautious.

4. Wear shoes that fit
Apparently, in the particular case of white shoes or running shoes are paired with white socks is a strange thing. In European countries, for example, shoes of this type are only used when working, not in any way in public situations. So could it make sense that the bright white shoes will attract attention and this means the opposite of blending in or mingle.

5. Buy clothes at your destination.
If you have a surplus budget, consider buying some clothes when they arrive at their destination. Make sure you buy where the locals used to do that and not in the gift shop designed for tourists.

6. Looking for images on its website
Picture a place that is found in news and other online sources can actually tell you to see what your destination. From here you can also find out how people dressed.

7. Take control of your money
If you understand the value of local currencies and different denominations, take the direct way in your wallet or purse. This way you can transact quickly and how to blend a lot better. Fumble with money will not only make you look like an outsider, it also could attract the attention of thieves. Keep in mind that you should bring only what you need for one day in your wallet or purse while other essential items like passports can you stay at the hotel to make it more secure.

8. Have a certain attitude polite
Sometimes the locals do not want to be treated like they live to please you So you can start to blend in by saying hello and then take a cue from them. If it is accepted politely mingle as much as possible and not hurt others' feelings.

9. Plan your travel route and activities
If you have a plan about what you will do and how to get there, you will be able to pass through your day with confidence. You can plan driving routes or public transport map checking back in your room, not on a street corner or in the middle of the intersection.

10. Buying goods at local stores
There may be no better place to learn about many things from your local grocery store. You also can cut hair at a local barber, or buy lunch at a local restaurant.

11. Avoid worn tourist route
If you really want to mingle with the locals then you should go out and mingle with the locals. This will not get if you follow the worn tourist track. This applies to almost everything you do. So try to live in a place, other than a popular tourist hotel or go to other places that do not exist in a guidebook.

12. Learn and use some local language
If you do not know how to say something, just ask. Usually, many locals will be happy to assist you to learn. The more you practice the better the command of the language. This can open doors that can lead you deeper into the local culture.

13. Greet
Hello is the most easy and cheap. Simply by smiling and saying hello to people you meet, the assimilation process will be easier.

14. Adjust the volume
Each place in each area have different habits. If the area seems quiet then you can speak in a tone that is not high. But this does not apply in markets where your voice must be heard clearly and loudly so that others can see what you mean.

15. Make preparations and be a good rider
You certainly do not want to drive past the allotted time limit, or looking out the window to pay attention to the road that could interfere with other users. So, try to check the maps and route or ask someone to drive while you view the map.

16. Pay attention and follow
If you want to mingle with local people, note how the local act, what they do, where they met, how they dressed and then follow it.

17. Confident
Residents tend to be wide-eyed walk around their own neighborhoods. Saw like you know what you are doing and know where you're going to go so that others will think the same, even if in fact you do not know.

18. Consider alternative lodging
A home-stay or rental apartments in residential neighborhood will give you more opportunities to interact with locals rather than staying at a hotel in the resort town.

19. See local events
See brochures and a list of local entertainment for concerts, festivals and other events that will attract local tourists. Or you can go to the library or a church to mingle with local residents

20. Be yourself
There are so many ways that you can do to make yourself blend into the local culture. But you still have to be yourself when you mingle with them. Just saying hello and being not too cold, it will be a pleasant experience.
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