tag Mom and Traveling: Beyond Orchard Road Shopping

Beyond Orchard Road Shopping

10 of 10 people will respond if asked Orchard Road shopping destinations in Singapore. Bored? Just glide to Haji Lane and discover a different experience.

Haji Lane is located not far from the hustle Bugis Area. This place can be reached by walking about 10 minutes from Bugis MRT. A line of unique boutiques and chic cafes on this street, these boutiques bring the average Singaporean indie designer or import brands that you rarely find on the market. Want to search for a unique work clothes to oversized shirts to casual, there is here.

Some boutiques are quite popular is the Soon Lee, Mod Parade, stores that collect the clothes from online boutique 'The Blogshop', or find a killer craving in Dulcetfig bag. The clothes are mostly aimed at adult women are set prices ranging from an average of approximately SGD 40 to SGD 200.

The experience of shopping at Haji Lane will definitely be very different from the frenzied atmosphere at Orchard Road or Bugis Market. Not to mention, the things you find here includes unique items not easily found in various department stores.

In addition to clothing stores, there are also 'Salad', a shop selling household appliances is unique. Tired after shopping? Just go to Pluck, a stylish little cafe or move the next aisle, Bali Lane and the Arab street cafes to enjoy a relaxed small.
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